Health and safety is paramount here at Riverbank Engineering.
We are 100% committed to the protection of our employees, colleagues and the general public from accidental injury or other health issues in the workplace, and as a result of any work undertaken by the company.
ACC has awarded us in 2015 tertiary level of their ASNZS 4801 based Workplace Safety Management Practices (WSMP) after holding secondary level certification since 2013, and we have been able to maintain the standard since.
We work hard to ensure compliance with all current legislation and relevant codes of practice.
We take all feasible precautions and measures in ensuring that we:
- For us, health and safety is part of our culture. Culture starts from the top. The owners and management team are fully committed to maintain a health and safety culture at Riverbank by setting the standards.
- Provide a safe place of work.
- Provide training and supervision.
- Encourage 'safe work' ethics and practices.
- Support and encourage employees to use all available health providers in treating injuries.
- Ensure all employees and sub-contractors fully understand and accept their responsibilities to promote a safe and healthy place of work.
- Stringently and accurately record and document all health and safety issues and incidents.
- Implement standardised operating procedures.
- Work to update and improve all health and safety matters with management and employees.
- Provide appropriate safety equipment and Personal Protective Equipment.
- Support and encourage employee participation in delivering a safe and healthy workplace.
- Strive to fulfil all health and safety objectives.